Policy Research Policy

Can the Education Reform Movement Reduce the Achievement Gap?

Education reform in Massachusetts has reflected two main policy goals over the past 30 years: improving observable measures of educational achievement, and reducing disparities in achievement between students based on their race, income-level, and English-language proficiency.  To achieve these twin-goals, the state has – with the passage of the 1993 act and subsequent legislation – radically reshaped how education is funded, what gets taught in classrooms, and how teachers, schools, and students are assessed.[1]  These dramatic changes to its education system are widely attributed with catapulting Massachusetts to the top of national and international school system rankings by 2012, and with improving educational outcomes for students from all ethnic, socioeconomic, and linguistic backgrounds.[2]    

However, since 2012, progress on both goals of the education reform “movement” have stalled: overall student achievement appears to have stopped improving or even declined, and the achievement gap between advantaged and disadvantaged students has similarly persisted or become larger.[3]  To address both problems, Governor Baker signed “The Student Opportunity Act” – which continues a tradition of increasing state funding to schools in exchange for more accountability – into law in 2019.  Unlike previous legislation in the reform movement, which sought to narrow the achievement gap and improve overall student achievement through uniform state standards and more state involvement in funding decisions, the 2019 bill gives individual school districts broad leeway on how to close the achievement gaps in their schools.  The only state requirement is that all districts must make plans to reduce the achievement gap that are “evidence-based”.   

An important question for school administrators, teachers, and concerned parents then is: what practices and policies have proven to be effective in closing an achievement gap that is observed across often overlapping dimensions of race, socioeconomics, and immigration status? And among school-based “interventions” that have closed the achievement gap, which ones might make sense to implement in their districts? Answering this question is of utmost importance, as schools in Massachusetts continue to become more racially, economically, and linguistically more diverse, and educational outcomes continue to shape many important life-outcomes. 

In the face of this complex and consequential question, the goals of this paper are modest – it mainly seeks to evaluate recent efforts to close the achievement gap in Massachusetts in the context of the broader national reform movement and recent academic research.[4]  To that end, the paper is divided into four sections.  To set the stage, the first section reviews some of the academic literature on the causes, consequences, and proposed solutions to the achievement gap.  The second section then connects the achievement gap to the education reform movement, both nationally and in Massachusetts.  The third section shifts focus to evaluating how education reform in Massachusetts impacted the statewide achievement gap, and highlights some of the complexity involved in drawing policy conclusions from statewide standardized test scores.  The final section concludes that recent legislation that gives school districts in Massachusetts more control over how to address the achievement gap is likely a step in the right direction, but is probably not sufficient to significantly change the gap by itself. 

What is The Achievement Gap, Why Does it Exist, and What Might Reduce it?

For much of human history, schooling had been reserved for the “elite,”  but in the U.S., the idea that every child should have access to education appears to have taken root before the declaration of independence.[5]  More recently, the definition of the educational “achievement gap” can be traced back to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, when Congress commissioned a report to investigate “the lack of availability of equal educational opportunity for individuals by reason of race, color, religion, or national origin in public institutions at all levels in the United States…”[6]  The resulting report, named after its author, James Coleman, was groundbreaking at the time because it provided the first nationally representative picture of differences in educational inputs and outcomes between students from different socioeconomic, ethnic, and racial backgrounds.  This basic definition of the achievement gap – as differences in standard, observable measures between members of different socioeconomic, ethnic, and racial groups – has been debated, refined, and expanded over the years, but is essentially the same today as it was 50 years ago.[7]  For example, in Massachusetts, the achievement gap is mainly talked about in terms of differences in performance on the state’s standardized test (MCAS) between middle-class white students and students who are Latino, Black, economically disadvantaged, or English Learners.  While a broader set of measures – such as grade point average, high school completion rates, advanced-course completion, and college attainment, are also used by researchers and policymakers to document the educational achievement gap, evidence suggests that these additional measures are highly correlated with performance on standardized tests.[8]

Although researchers have largely agreed on the general parameters of defining the achievement gap, they continue to debate the causes underlying it.  The answer appears to depend on whether one asks a sociologist, economist, or educational psychologist this question.  Sociologists tend to explain the gap in terms of schools reproducing or offsetting broader socio-cultural dynamics that favor a dominant group (at the expense of others).[9]  This view was reinforced by Coleman’s report five decades ago, which found that the socioeconomic background of students – i.e. their parents’ income and education level – had far more influence on test results than any school-based factors (such as the quality of school facilities or teachers).[10]  While Coleman’s report was cross-sectional and limited in its ability to establish a causal relationship between social factors and educational outcomes, research published since then strongly supports the idea that social/cultural factors – like parental education level and expectations – interacts with a school system designed to sort and track student to determine a significant share of the variation in educational outcomes.[11]  A logical implication of this perspective is that schools must find ways to counteract deeply ingrained social forces to reduce the achievement gap.

Unlike sociologists, economists tend to view the achievement gap as rooted in unequal access to economic resources.  From their standpoint, middle-class students (who happen to be mostly white) are more likely to succeed simply because their parents could afford to spend more time and money on their education.  Unsurprisingly, their proposals for reducing the achievement gap have focused on reducing funding disparities between schools in wealthy and poor districts.  Using recently available data and newer statistical techniques, they have made a convincing case that school funding does affect achievement and can help close the achievement gap, especially in places where wealthy and poor students are highly segregated by school district.[12]

Of the three main disciplines that have studied the achievement gap, studies by educational psychologists are arguably the most focused on school-based interventions.  These studies typically accept that economic and social factors both influence the achievement gap and instead focus on specific educational practices – such as pre-school availability and culturally responsive pedagogy – that could reduce it.  Their work so far suggest that no “silver bullet” exists, but a wide range of school and community-based efforts – to increase the resources available to schools as well as direct those resources in a way that overcomes sociocultural barriers to learning – can reduce the achievement gap.  A partial list of effective policies/practices include early interventions like head start, culturally responsive pedagogy, small group instruction, increased parental involvement, and increased teacher/student racial congruence. [13]  It is important to note that this research has shown little evidence that some of the key features of neoclassical education reform (discussed in the next section) – like uniform curriculum standards – actually reduce the achievement gap.[14]

How Did the Achievement Gap Influence Education Reform in Massachusetts?

Recent efforts to reduce the achievement gap in Massachusetts have been heavily influenced by the neoclassical education reform movement that started with a “paradigm shift” in education policy that occurred in the mid-1980s.[15]  Closely linked to the release of the influential report “A Nation at Risk” in 1984, this paradigm shift reframed the purpose of education in stark economic terms: without reforming its education system, the U.S. would lose its standing in the world to adversaries like the U.S.S.R and emerging rivals in Asia.  Redefining the purpose of education in such existential terms catapulted education to a top political priority in Federal and State government, and united Democrats and Republicans around a set of policies that would have been impossible to enact before the shift.  These policies included: 1) increased federal and state funding for education; 2) state and national curriculum standards and assessments; and 3) an accountability system to reward school success (and punish failure). The policies also embodied implicit beliefs about education that were not widely accepted prior to 1980, including a belief that schooling was the primary determinant of educational outcomes, learning could be accurately measured by standardized tests, and that spending more money on education would raise achievement scores. 

 One outcome of this shift in thinking about education was that differences in funding, curricula, and achievement between native-born middle-class white students and students from other racial, socioeconomic, and linguistic backgrounds became increasingly evident, and triggered legal action.[16]  In 1985, the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled in favor of urban school children in Abbot vs. Burke, holding the state responsible for ensuring that “all children – regardless of socioeconomic status, race, or national origin – (have) access to education that would allow them to be successful in life.”  This was the first of many rulings in New Jersey and other states that 1) Increased support for state-wide curriculum standards, standardized assessments, and teacher certification; and 2) focused funding and assessment on both increasing overall achievement and on reducing disparities in educational outcomes (the “achievement gap”).[17]

In Massachusetts, the education reform movement made its way into legislation in 1993 with the passage of the Massachusetts Education Reform Act (MERA).  While wide-ranging in scope the Act serves as a foundation for several key features of the state’s current educational system, including:[18]

  • Education finance: in exchange for more control over the curriculum, the state increased funding (“chapter 70”) and developed a progressive formula to allocate funding to districts with different levels of local tax revenue.  The state also established minimum spending levels (foundational spending).[19]
  • Curriculum standards: the first frameworks for English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics were introduced in 1996-1997, expanded in 1999, 2003, and 2006, and integrated with national common core standards in 2010. 
  • Standardized tests: the state student achievement tests (MCAS) were implemented in 2008, along with the MTEL teacher certification tests. The next generation of these tests, which emphasize “higher order thinking skills” were piloted in 2017.
  • Accountability: school report cards were created to hold schools accountable for outcomes, and in 2010, the state received authority to take over “failing” schools.
  • Charter schools: the 1993 bill authorized charter schools to operate in the state, with an annual cap.  The cap was removed for districts with “failing” schools in 2010.

In addition to these reforms that built on the 1993 act, Massachusetts has also passed other legislation that could affect the achievement gap.  For example, in 2002, voters passed a ballot initiative to force all students to learn in English only, which restricted teachers form using students’ native languages to teach them academic content while they acquired English.[20]  The question is, what, if any impact did all of these reforms have on the achievement gap?

How did Education Reform in Massachusetts Affect the Achievement Gap?

The early years of education reform in Massachusetts – from around 1998, when standardized curricula and assessments had been fully rolled out, to around 2012, when national common core standards were fully adopted – are widely considered to be a success in the popular media today.  The main reason for this perception appears to be the fact that average student performance on state, national and international tests dramatically improved during this period.  For example, the percent of Massachusetts 8th graders achieving a proficient or higher score on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) doubled during this period and catapulted the state to the top of national and international rankings of education systems.[21]  Mirroring national trends, college entry and completion rates also increased significantly during this period.[22]  Taken together, evidence points to broad increases in academic achievement during this period.

However, reports published since 2012 have been much more critical of the reforms, particularly those related to standardized curricula and assessments.[23]  Pointing to plateauing or declining performance on tests, as well as an emerging divergence between national, international, and state-MCAS tests, three main arguments against the reforms have emerged. One argument is that teachers in Massachusetts have started to “teach to the test” by narrowing their curriculum, and prioritizing test performance over their students’ overall cognitive growth.  A second argument against the reforms is that non-cognitive skills – such as behavioral regulation and social skills – which are learned in school and are important to life outcomes, are not measured by standardized tests (thus more likely to be neglected).  Last (but not least) it has become increasingly clear that education reform has failed to close the achievement gap.  Figures 1 through 7 in the appendix use NAEP 8th grade math achievement scores for students in Massachusetts to highlight how, despite some initial gains in reducing the share of failing students among disadvantaged groups, educational outcomes were just as (or more) unequal in 2019 as they were in 1992 (the year before the education reform movement was launched in MA.  These dismal results suggest that education policy needs to reduce its reliance on standards to boost achievement.  The question is, what should policymakers shift their focus to?

 Recent studies have built support for a renewed emphasis on school-quality to raise achievement among students from disadvantaged groups.  An important factor driving this research is the fact that a many school districts and individual schools bucked broader trends and narrowed the achievement gap (see figure 8 for an example with school districts in Massachusetts).[24]  In addition to the factors listed in the prior section – such as high-quality preschool, parental involvement, and culturally responsive pedagogy – school and district leadership, academic expectations, teacher relationships, and teacher experience have also been linked to lowering the achievement gap.[25]  A growing consensus also appears to be emerging that the efficacy of interventions are often sensitive to context, and that lasting changes to achievement levels requires providing continuous support to disadvantaged students’ as they move through disconnected school systems.[26]

Where Do We Go From Here?

Many Americans believe that education is a “great equalizer,” capable of lifting any hardworking child, regardless of his race, gender, or socioeconomic status, out of poverty.[27]  Yet, for the last 50 years, an increasingly visible, persistent, and consequential “achievement gap” in educational outcomes between middle-class whites and economically-disadvantaged students – who tend to be black, Hispanic, and/or a recent immigrant – has belied these expectations across the nation, including in Massachusetts.  Growing awareness and discomfort with this achievement gap has coincided with a nationwide movement towards standards-based reform, which, with its emphasis on measuring performance on standardized tests, has made it impossible to ignore the magnitude of the gap and its long-term impact on students.  Because of concrete evidence of its impact, and pressure from courts on the basis of this evidence, a quest to reduce the achievement gap has become an integral part of the education reform movement in Massachusetts and across the country.  However, despite radical changes to school funding, curriculum, and assessment, the achievement gap has stubbornly persisted, leading some to wonder: are schools destined to serve as mechanisms for reproducing and magnifying broader societal inequality, or can they counter these forces and be the vehicles for social mobility that they are advertised to be?[28]

 The experience of Massachusetts suggests that standards-based reform, coupled with modest increases to funding, might have reached its limits.  While early neoclassical education reform in the state can be reasonably attributed with improving educational outcomes on average, the gap in achievement between middle-class whites and students from disadvantaged groups remains intact.  Even more worrying, in recent years even average academic performance appears to have declined as the achievement gap has begun to widen.  However, the story is not all “gloom and doom”.  A growing body of research suggests that schools can counter the achievement gap by developing culturally responsive practices that combine excellent teaching with community engagement and continuous support for students from preschool through college.  Even more positive is the fact that the recent bill signed by Governor Baker relies on school districts, rather than the states, to address the gap.  Unlike the state-wide standards that preceded this bill, providing school districts with control and resources could give them the flexibility they need to develop practices that work in the contexts that they operate in.  But this initial step is unlikely to alter the trajectory of the achievement gap in Massachusetts on its own.  For lasting change, the state should scale back the scope of its standards-based reforms to allow schools to promote student growth across a broader range of disciplines and developmental domains.  The state should also focus on helping students make transitions – for example from high school to college – where many are falling through the cracks.  Even better, the state could do more to reverse the increasing economic and social inequality that feeds the achievement gap instead of putting the onus on schools alone.


Alexander, K., & Morgan, S. L. (2016). The Coleman Report at fifty: Its legacy and implications for future research on equality of opportunity. RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences2(5), 1-16.

Chester, M. D. (2014). Building on 20 years of Massachusetts education reform. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

Darder, A. (2003). The critical pedagogy reader. Psychology Press.

Dietrichson, J., Bøg, M., Filges, T., & Klint Jørgensen, A. M. (2017). Academic interventions for elementary and middle school students with low socioeconomic status: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Review of Educational Research87(2), 243-282.

Downey, D. B., & Condron, D. J. (2016). Fifty years since the Coleman Report: Rethinking the relationship between schools and inequality. Sociology of Education89(3), 207-220.

Duncan, G., & Murnane, R.J. (2014). Restoring opportunity: The crisis of inequality and the challenge for American education, pp. 35-52. Cambridge: Harvard Education Press and the Russell Sage Foundation.

Hanushek, E. A., & Rivkin, S. G. (2006). School quality and the black-white achievement gap (No. w12651). National Bureau of Economic Research.

Hanushek, E. A., Peterson, P. E., Talpey, L. M., & Woessmann, L. (2019). The unwavering SES achievement gap: Trends in US student performance (No. w25648). National Bureau of Economic Research.

Henry, D. A., Votruba-Drzal, E., & Miller, P. (2019). Child development at the intersection of race and SES: An overview. Advances in child development and behavior57, 1-25.

Jackson, C. K., Johnson, R. C., & Persico, C. (2016). The effects of school spending on educational and economic outcomes: Evidence from school finance reforms. The Quarterly Journal of Economics131(1), 157-218.

Jackson, C.K. (2018). What do test scores miss? The importance of teacher effects on non-test score outcomes. Journal of Political Economy, 126(5), 2072-2107.

Jeynes, W. (2019). Eliminating the Achievement Gap. Rowman & Littlefield.

Kraft, M. A., Marinell, W. H., & Shen-Wei Yee, D. (2016). School organizational contexts, teacher turnover, and student achievement: Evidence from panel data. American Educational Research Journal53(5), 1411-1449.

Lafortune, J., Rothstein, J., & Schanzenbach, D. W. (2018). School finance reform and the distribution of student achievement. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics10(2), 1-26.

Loveless, T. (2012). The 2012 Brown Center Report on American Education: How Well Are American Students Learning? With Sections on Predicting the Effect of the Common Core State Standards, Achievement Gaps on the Two NAEP Tests, and Misinterpreting International Test Scores. Volume III, Number 1. Brookings Institution.

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Statewide Data Reports. 2021. Available at:

Moore, A. B., MacGregor, C., & Cornelius-White, J. (2017). School personnel-student racial congruence and the achievement gap. Journal for Multicultural Education.

National Assessment of Educational Progress Data Explorer, 2021. Available at:

OECD Country Note. Programme for international student assessment (PISA) results from PISA 2015: Massachusetts. 2015. Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development. Available at

Papay, J. P., Mantil, A., Murnane, R. J., An, L. I. L. Y., Donohue, K. A. T. E., & McDonough, A. U. B. R. E. Y. (2020). Lifting all boats. Accomplishments and challenges from20.

Sentance, M., & Chieppo, C. (2018). Is Two-Tiered Public Education on the Rise in Massachusetts? Policy Brief. Pioneer Institute for Public Policy Research.

Tough, P. (2009). Whatever it takes: Geoffrey Canada’s quest to change Harlem and America. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.


Figure 1. Scaled score of MA students on NAEP 8th grade math test 1992 – 2019, by school-reported race.

Source: NAEP Data explorer:

Figure 2. Percent of MA students rated proficient or advanced on NAEP math test 1992 – 2019, by school-reported race.

Source: NAEP Data explorer:

Figure 3. Percent of MA students rated below basic on NAEP math test 1992 – 2019, by school-reported race.

Source: NAEP Data explorer:

Figure 4. Percent of MA students rated proficient or advanced on NAEP math test 1992 – 2019, by free or reduced lunch eligibility.

Source: NAEP Data explorer:

Figure 5. Percent of MA students rated below basic on NAEP math test 1992 – 2019, by free or reduced lunch eligibility.

Source: NAEP Data explorer:

Figure 6. Percent of MA students rated proficient or advanced on NAEP math test 1992 – 2019, by ELL status.

Source: NAEP Data explorer:

Figure 7. Percent of MA students rated below basic on NAEP math test 1992 – 2019, by ELL status.

Source: NAEP Data explorer:

Figure 8: Frequency of Changes in 10th Grade Mathematics Score Gap (2008 to 2018) Between White Students and Students Who Were Ever an English Learner, By School District

Source: Author’s calculations from

[1] Chester, 2014.

[2] OECD, 2015

[3] See subsequent analysis in this paper.

[4] The practical function of this paper is to serve as a learning tool, not to create new knowledge on this topic.

[5] Jeynes, 2019 argues that the idea of providing equal access to education originated early in the spread of Christianity, and took hold in Massachusetts when the Pilgrims, Puritans, and Quackers established schools.

[6] Alexander and Morgan, 2016. P1.

[7] Scholars have typically extended this basic model since then, keeping the essential elements intact. For example, Portez, 2005, p17 lays out a strong case for categories that are based on both sociocultural and economic disadvantages rather than grouping together different people simply on the basis of race or ethnicity.

[8] For example, Papay et al shows that 10th grade MCAS score results predict a wide variety of educational and life outcomes even controlling for race and socioeconomic background.  It is important to note that non-cognitive scores learned in schools might also be important and not measured by cognitive measures like GPA, test scores, and college attainment (Jackson, 2018).

[9] For example, Darder, 2003.

[10] Alexander and Morgan, 2016.

[11] See Downey and Condron, 2016; Henry and Miller, (2019) and Hung et al, 2020 for examples. 

[12] For example, Jackson, Johnson, and Persico, 2016 and Lafortune and Schanzenbach, 2018.

[13] Dietrichson et al, 2017; Jeynes, W. 2019; Moore, MacGregor, C., and Cornelius-White, 2017

[14] This is based on an admittedly shallow reading of the literature by a novice in this field.

[15] This paragraph summarizes an argument made in Mehta (2014)

[16] While Abbot vs. Burke was filed before “A nation at risk” was published, the rulings associated with the case occurred between 1984 and 1998.

[17] Alexander and Morgan, 2016.

[18] See Chester 2014. These changes also required teachers to get certified in Sheltered English Instruction to renew their licenses after 2006.

[19] While total state funding levels (in real dollars) have fluctuated since the reform act, the process used to allocate state funding has remained relatively stable.

[20] In 2017, the legislature voted to allow other languages to be used once again for instruction (When It Comes To Teaching English, Beacon Hill Says One Size Doesn’t Fit All | Edify (

[21] See OECD, 2015 for PISA rankings, and Sentence and Chieppo, 2018 for a comparative analysis of MCAS and NAEP test results.

[22] Chester, 2014.

[23] See Papay, 2020 for more details on the summary presented in this paragraph.

[24] Hanushek and Rivkin 2006.

[25] For example, Hanushek and Rivkin, 2006, and Kraft, Marinell, and Shen-Wei Yee, 2016.

[26] Portes, 2005, and Tough, 2009 provide examples of context-specific plans that cover a broad swath of the educational experience across transitions.

[27] Even 200 years ago, Horace Mann is attributed with the following quote: “Education, then, beyond all over devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of the conditions of man – the balance-wheel of the social machinery.” Portez, 2005, p169.

[28] For example, Duncan and Murnane (2004) and more recently Hanushek et al  2019 make strong cases that the achievement gap is just as large today as it was 60 years ago, when efforts to reduce it began.

Publishing and Presenting

Migration Stories: Publishing and Presenting:

Why do people migrate, and how does the process of migrating effect people and countries?

Lesson Overview

Grade Level: 2

Duration: 2-3 lessons, 45 minutes each

Supporting Questions: Why did the person you interviewed migrate? How did he/she/they feel at first? Did this feeling change over time? What did they bring with them? What did they learn?

What Students Will Produce : By the end of the lesson, students will create a web-based story (example) using material that they created in the previous lessons. Students will publish these stories online and present them to other students. Students’ collage work will also be assembled into a public display.

What Students Will Learn: Students will learn how to adapt their narratives to fit a particular publishing platform, and also gain experience using pictures to support a story. By publishing their work in a public forum, students will also learn how to participate in civic discussions, and continue to learn about immigration through the ways in which other people interact with their work.

Related Curriculum Standards
List of Resources

Data Analysis and Content Creation

Migration Stories: Data Analysis and Content Creation

Why do people migrate, and how does the process of migrating effect people and countries?

Lesson Overview

Grade Level: 2

Duration: 3-4 lessons, 45 minutes each

Supporting Questions: How does it feel like to move to a new country? What do people bring with them when they migrate? What are some things things that people have to adapt to when then migrate?

What Students Will Produce : By the end of the lesson, each students will have completed a collage and written narrative (in first person, from the perspective of the person that they interviewed) of their interview with an immigrant.

What Students Will Learn: Students will continue to build knowledge of why people migrate, and what the process of migration feels like in these lessons. The focus of these lessons will be on representing what they have learned so far using visual and language arts. Specifically, students will learn how to create a collage that represents another person’s experience, and how to write a narrative about an event using a primary source.

Related Curriculum Standards
List of Resources
Data Collection

Migration Stories: Data Collection

Why do people migrate, and how does the process of migrating effect people and countries?

Lesson Overview

Grade Level: 2

Duration: 2-3 lessons, 45 minutes each

Supporting Questions: How does it feel to move to a new country? What do people bring with them when they migrate? What are some things things that people have to adapt to when then migrate?

What Students Will Produce : By the end of the lesson, each students will have completed a KWL sheet, an interview guide, and recorded an interview with an immigrant that they know.

What Students Will Learn: students will continue to discover why people migrate, and what the process of migration feels like in these lessons. In addition, students will learn how to develop questions that will help them understand a topic, and use those questions to interview a primary source.

Related Curriculum Standards
List of Resources

Social Studies Visual Arts Migration

Project Unit: Migration Stories

Teaching students about migration early in their academic lives is important for several reasons.  First, a quarter of U.S. students are first- or second-generation immigrants, so acknowledging and understanding the sometimes slow process of adapting to their new country is important simply to help them and their families become engaged in the school community.[1]  Second, immigration is central to the “story of the U.S.A.”, so understanding the reasons people move and how they contribute to their new country is essential to understanding U.S. history.  And third, studying immigration can help students appreciate how distinct cultural experiences can shape distinct perspectives, which helps them to develop the empathy necessary to engage in civic deliberation with people who might see the world differently.[2]  This project-based unit addresses all three of these reasons for studying immigration through a variety of activities that help construct an understanding of immigration as an ever-present force shaping the nation, and as a process of adjustment that can be both rewarding and challenging. 

Project Overview
Priority Standards
Unit Design and Rationale
Personal Relationship to Topic and Pedagogy
Resources Used in Unit


[2] Barton and Levstik, 2004 (ch 2).

Social Studies Migration Building Background Lesson Plans

Migration Stories: Building Background

Why do people migrate, and how does the process of migrating effect people and countries?

Lesson Overview

Grade Level: 2

Duration: 2 lessons, 45 minutes each

Supporting Questions: How has immigration shaped the U.S.A.? How long does it take for a new country to feel like home? In what ways do immigrants change after they move? In what ways do they stay the same?

What Students Will Produce : By the end of the lesson, each students will have completed a 3-part graphic organizer that they will use to guide their future work.

What Students Will Learn: Through a guided reading activity, jigsaw activity, and self-directed research, students will develop and demonstrate understanding of migration as a process that: 1) has shaped the U.S.A. 2) results from a variety of causes; and 3) involves a process of adjustment that can be unique to individuals.

Related Curriculum Standards


Economics, Equality, or Enlightenment?

When it comes to education reform, there (still) seems to be a clear pecking order. 

In the early 1800s Horace Mann, considered to be the “founder” of public schools in the U.S., faced a serious challenge to his vision of free and universal public education in Massachusetts.  Mann, who was motivated by a view that education fundamentally transformed the human condition, had been trying to convince local leaders to share this vision:

But, four years after being appointed the first Secretary of Education in MA, “it became increasingly apparent that many of the towns in the Commonwealth simply were not interested in better schools” and Mann’s “appeals to their moral principles had little effect” (Vinovskis, 1970).  Part of the problem was that – in Mann’s words – when it comes to education, “the effects are widely separated from the causes. They happen so long afterwards that the reason of the community loses sight of the connection between them.” (Mann and Fowle, 1839).  

In other words, the communities then were controlled by people who failed to appreciate the long-term transformative powers of education.  And understandably so – with growing class tensions fed by rapid industrialization and immigration, local leaders had more pressing near-term concerns (Reese, 2011).  In any case, the failure to appreciate the long-term transformative potential of education had practical implications – despite early success establishing common schools, support for the Board of Education was far from guaranteed, and citizens remained unconvinced that the state should continue to spend money on education.

After four years of failing to appeal to people’s moral principles, Mann decided to appeal to their economic interests.  In his fifth annual report of the Board of Education, covering the year 1841, Mann argued that education “is not only a moral renovator, and a multiplier of intellectual power, but…also the most prolific parent of material riches.”  In the report, he went on to write that education “not only be included in the grand inventory of a nation’s resources, but to be placed at the very head of the inventory.”  To support his rhetoric, Mann illustrated the economic benefit of education using stark differences in output between educated workers in the Commonwealth and their uneducated counterparts in Southern states.

The appeal of a passionate economic case for education backed by sound reasoning and data appears to have been as irresistible to the policymakers of 200 years ago as it is today.  Thousands of copies of the report were printed across the country within months.  And, within 2 years of publication, support for public schools and the Board of Education in the Commonwealth solidified.  With public support behind education, Mann and others were able to turn their focus to improving schools – through “longer school terms, better attendance, school consolidation, the professional training of teachers, and a host of other improvements” – marking the start of a long tradition of education reform that has attempted to reconcile economic interests with competing interests such as the development of civic virtue and a more general focus on human development.

Then and Now

Fast forward to the 1980s – to a nation once again confronting social tensions fueled by inequality, immigration, technological change, and global competition.  Like the early 1800s, education reform was not the most political pressing issue, and when education did draw attention, it was to the public expenditures on it.  It was the desire to cut funding for education that led President Reagan to commission a comprehensive report on this topic.  Ironically, instead of making a case for cutting funding the report (“A Nation at Risk”), published in 1984, turned out to be a catalyst for education reform that increased federal (and state) funding and involvement in education that continues today.  

Figure source:

Like Mann’s Fifth Annual Report more than 200 years ago, “A Nation at Risk” appears to have catapulted education to the top of legislators’ minds by making an economic case for reforming education using strong rhetoric (“the educational foundations of our society are presently being eroded by a rising tide of mediocrity that threatens our very future as a Nation and a people.”) backed by clear and compelling statistics (“Average achievement of high school students on most standardized tests is now lower than 26 years ago when Sputnik was launched.”) (National Commission on Excellence in Education, 1983).  Indeed, both reports made compelling cases that the only way to remain competitive was by investing in education. 

The parallels between the two reports do not end in the similarity of their content – like Mann’s report, “A Nation at Risk” is also attributed with launching an educational reform movement that has dramatically changed school funding, curriculum, and assessment, among other factors (Mehta, 2013).

In Massachusetts, the education reform movement that was unleashed in the 1980s culminated in the Massachusetts Education Reform Act of 1993.  Often viewed as a “grand bargain” trading increased state control over education for increased state funding, this broad law introduced (click for source):

  • Expanded curricular framework standards, or “state common core standards”, 
  • Statewide achievement tests, or MCATs,
  • Standardized teacher certification tests, or MTELs,
  • Increased state funding to offset local funding disparities,
  • Increased time in School, and
  • School “report cards,” and state authority to take over “failing” schools.  

Initially praised for improving student achievement and reducing disparities in funding, in recent years stagnating improvements in achievement, persistent achievement gaps, and a narrowing of the curriculum have led to growing calls for change (Larkin and Jung, 2018).

In response to calls for change, Governor Baker signed “The Student Opportunity Act” into law in 2019.  Like the “grand bargain” of 1993, this law increases state funding for education (by $1.5 billion/year) in exchange for more state control over schooling. This time, districts are required to develop plans to close achievement gaps using “evidence-based” programs (e.g. expanded class time, professional development, and expanded pre-k). 

While some educators and parents might applaud the renewed emphasis on reducing inequality, recent reforms have done little to transform the purpose of schools.  The fact that the state has chosen to use employment and college data (rather than measures such as health, or participation in civic life) to measure the impact of education shows that, as in the 1800s, economics continues to drive the debate on education reform.  While many educators might enter the profession believing in the transformative power of education like Mann did 200 years ago (its ability to enlighten), the reality is that increased public support for investing in education today, like in Mann’s time, depends on making an economic case based on “hard facts.”


Brennan, R., Kim, J., Wenz-Gross, M., & Siperstein, G. (2001). The relative equitability of high-stakes testing versus teacher-assigned grades: An analysis of the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS). Harvard educational review, 71(2), 173-217.

Jaggia, S., Vachharajani, V., & McCarthy, J. M. (2004). Money for Nothing: The Failures of Education Reform in Massachusetts.

McDermott, K. A. (2006). Incentives, capacity, and implementation: Evidence from Massachusetts education reform. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 16(1), 45-65.

Mann, H., & Fowle, W. B. (1839). Common school journal (Vol. 1). Marsh, Capen, Lyon, and Webb.

Mehta, J. (2013). How paradigms create politics: The transformation of American educational policy, 1980–2001. American Educational Research Journal50(2), 285-324.

National Commission on Excellence in Education. (1983). A nation at risk: The imperative for educational reform. The Elementary School Journal84(2), 113-130.

Reese, W. J. (2011). America’s public schools: From the common school to” No Child Left Behind”. JHU Press.

Vinovskis, M. A. (1970). Horace Mann on the economic productivity of education. New England Quarterly, 550-571.)

Lesson Plans Fractions Virtual Manipulative Problem Solving

The Cupcake Problem

1. The situation

We have a cupcake recipe for only 1 person, but more people are coming to a party. And…the cupcake recipe has fractions. Most people know how to add and multiply whole numbers like 3 x 3. But 1/3 + 1/3???

Your mission, if you chose to accept it: Modify the recipe below to be enough for 4 people, and show that you have the right answers using fraction strips. The party hosts need to know how much stuff to buy. And they don’t want yucky cupcakes!

2. The Training

This mission is important, so you need to train. I have made many cupcakes, and will be your guide. Here’s what you will do:

First, get to know your team. Ask each other about their favorite food, and if they have ever baked before. Also, ask each person what he or she knows about fractions. All this information will be useful later.

crop group stacking hands together
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Second, learn how to use fractions strips (click the link below). These will come in handy if you have to prove that you’re right.

Third, click the button below for a handy-dandy worksheet to do a training run with your guide (that’s me). We will change the recipe to be for 2 people and use fraction strips. We will practice changing the recipe and proving we’re right.

3. The mission

Use the handy-dandy worksheet and the fraction strips to modify the recipe. Sometimes the number of people at the party changes. So be prepared to change the recipe amounts.

Work together in your teams. Make sure all team members agree with your answers.

Return to base when you have completed the mission for debriefing. Your guide will come along in case you have any questions.

mad formal executive man yelling at camera
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

4. The Debrief

Now for the hard part. The boss will want to make sure your recipe is correct. Use the fraction strips or any other tools you have to convince him that your cupcakes will not be yucky. Good luck!

Diversity Policy

Our Students Have Many Stories

As humans, we are wired to form general notions from a few, or even a single impression. As teachers, this tendency can be dangerous, especially if we use these limited (and often one-sided) impressions to guide our interactions with students from backgrounds that we are unfamiliar with. I was assigned to view the TED talk below, by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, as part of Dr. Anne Homza’s Bilingual Education class at Boston College, and believe that it is especially relevant to teachers in the U.S. Adichie points out a way for us to view our students as human beings with a rich and complex life that presents an opportunity for us all to learn from – which is a vital skills for us a time of growing diversity in the school-age population.

Non cognitive skills Policy

“Non Cognitive” Skills

If you ever wondered whether “non cognitive” skills, like emotional regulation, were important in school, set aside one hour. Yes. Put it aside. And listen to this podcast.

I was quite blown away by this podcast.  Not because it reinforced the idea that “soft-skills” like the ability to regulate behavior (generally through “executive control”) are important determinants of “successful outcomes” in life.  Nor because it reiterated the importance of self-efficacy to academic achievement.  Even the link between a secure attachment style and ability to withstand stress, while dramatic and vividly narrated, was somewhat expected given the reading material and lecture for this week.

What blew me away was how the interaction between parenting, environmental stressors, and schooling could work together to create such dramatic disparities in so many domains – from brain function to academic success and career trajectories.  And, how relatively low-cost (from a public policy standpoint) interventions – like the one by the Ounce of Prevention Fund to help mothers develop secure attachments – could be so effective in the short-  (61% vs. 3% developing a secure attachment) and long-term (secure attachment largely protecting adults from stress-related health impacts).  The effect of the intervention aimed at developing self-efficacy in adolescents – twice-a-year coaching session by college students – was similarly surprising in its cost vs. benefit (like eliminating the gender gap in math achievement).  

For teachers, the podcast provides compelling evidence that the priority given to “character” vs. “cognitive” development is especially important to consider for students from stressful environments (or environments that do not fit their temperamental needs).  For example, before being able to engage with the academic material, some students might need to learn how to cope with stress to come out of their “flight or fight” state of mind.  Finding ways to teach coping strategies, along with facilitating the development of self-efficacy, seem like a prerequisite to teaching complex academic material to such students. On a personal level, the podcast has motivated me to investigate tools that I can use as a teacher (meditation? sports? music? art?) to teach these self-regulation skills to children at different ages.