Hello friends and family!
I hope you are all enjoying the end of the cold weather and the start of Spring. The flowers will are starting to bloom and soon the trees will have leaves. As usual, the NC students at Clark Street have been busy learning English, reading, writing, and math. Here are some highlights of some of the “fun” learning activities that the students did over the past weeks:
1. English Language Games
Every morning, students spend 20-30 minutes playing games that teach them English with their friends. For example, they build words with letters, build sentences with words, and try to guess words from pictures. Here are some photos of the students’ work:

2. The layers of the Earth
Students have been learning about what the Earth is made of. To remember what they learned, students made models of the Earth’s layers using clay. Here are some photos:

3. Rocks and Minerals
To learn about how rocks are formed, students first found rocks in our school, then grouped the rocks based on the size, hardness, color, and shape of the rocks. Here are some photos:

4. Fossils
Fossils tell us the story of life on Earth, but they can be hard to understand. To help students learn how to find, clean, and identify fossils, they actually dug into bricks of clay with real fossils inside. Students then tried to figure out what fossil they found and presented their fossils to the class.

Upcoming Events
Please continue to make sure our students are reading at least 15 minutes every day, and practicing their English as much as possible. I will be calling each of you to schedule progress meetings in a month. Our class will also be holding a family even in May. Until then, please do not hesitate to use parentsquare, talking points, or to call me with any questions or concerns.